Morepath 0.1 released!

I've just released Morepath 0.1! This is Morepath's first ever proper release. Hurray! If you've been waiting for a release before trying Morepath, now is the time to stop waiting!

Morepath is your friendly neighborhood Python web framework with super powers.

The docs for 0.1 are here:

It includes a quickstart, and installation docs, and much much more.

The docs are quite complete in describing Morepath's abilities and how to use them, though undoubtedly things could be improved. Let me know if you find any sections where things are unclear or missing!

The Extra Bits

There are still some docs floating around that I intend to integrate into the main documentation. One bit involves the permission and authentication docs; I previously blogged a description.

You can integrate Morepath with SQLAlchemy or the ZODB using more.transaction. I've just made a 0.1 release of that too. See this blog entry for more information on what's going on with that, and here is example code.

Talking about Morepath

There is a #morepath channel on freenode IRC.

If you have an issue or feature request, you can use the issue tracker on Github:

You can also contact me directly; contact information is at the bottom of this weblog. I'm happy to hear from you!

Onward to 0.2!

Morepath is now transitioning into a phase where its actual use will drive its further development. I expect others (you?) will come up with new and interesting ways to use the facilities and abstractions that Morepath offers. I'm looking forward to discovering new and better ways to do web development with you!