Morepath 0.5(.1) and friends released!

I've just released a whole slew things of things, the most important is Morepath 0.5, your friendly neighborhood Python web framework with superpowers!

What's new?

There are a a bunch of new things in the documentation, in particular:

Also available is @reg.classgeneric. This depends on a new feature in the Reg library.

There are a few bug fixes as well.

For more details, see the full changelog.

Morepath mailing list

I've documented how to get in touch with the Morepath community. In particular, there's a new Morepath mailing list!

Please do get in touch!

Other releases

I've also released:

  • Reg 0.8. This is the generic function library behind some of Morepath's flexibility and power.

  • BowerStatic 0.3. This is a WSGI framework for including static resources in HTML pages automatically, using components installed with Bower.

  • more.static 0.2. This is a little library integrating BowerStatic with Morepath.

Morepath videos!

You may have noticed I linked to Morepath 0.5.1 before, not Morepath 0.5. This is because I had to as I was using a new youtube extension that gave me a bit too much on readthedocs. I replaced that with raw HTML, which works better. The Morepath docs now include two videos.

  • On the homepage is my talk about Morepath at EuroPython 2014 in July. It's a relatively short talk, and gives a good idea on what makes Morepath different.

  • If you're interested in the genesis and history behind Morepath, and general ideas on what it means to be a creative developer, you can find another, longer, video on the Morepath history page. This was taken last year at PyCon DE, where I had the privilege to be invited to give a keynote speech.


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