Server Templating in Morepath 0.10


I just released Morepath 0.10 (CHANGES)! Morepath is a modern Python web framework that combines power with simplicity of use. Morepath 0.10's biggest new feature is server-side templating support.

Most Python web frameworks were born at a time when server-side templating was the only way to get HTML content into a web browser. Templates in the browser did not yet exist. Server templating was a necessity for a server web framework, built-in from day 1.

The web has changed and much more can be done in the browser now: if you want a web page, you can accomplish it with client-side JavaScript code, helped by templates, or embedded HTML-like snippets in JavaScript, like what the React framework does. Morepath is a web framework that was born in this new era.

Morepath could take a more leisurely approach to server templating. We recommend that users rely on client-side technology to construct a UI -- something that Morepath is very good at supporting. For many web applications, this approach is fine and leads to more responsive user interfaces. It also has the benefit that it supports a strong separation between user interface and underlying data. And you could still use server template engines with Morepath, but with no help from the framework.

But there is still room for server templates. Server-generated HTML has its advantages. It's the easiest way to create a bookmarkable traditional web site -- no client-side routing needed. For more dynamic web applications it can also sometimes make sense to send a server-rendered HTML page to the client as a starting point, and only switch to a client-side dynamic code later. This is useful in those cases where you want the end-user to see a web page as quickly as possible: in that case sending HTML directly from the server can still be faster, as there is no need for the browser to load and process JavaScript in order to display some content.

So now Morepath has now, at last, gained server template support, in version 0.10. We took our time. We prototyped a bit first. We worked out the details of the rest of the framework. As we will see, it's nice we had the chance to spend time on other aspects of Morepath first, as that infrastructure now also makes template language integration very clean.

The basics

Say you want to use Jinja2, the template language used by Flask, in Morepath. Morepath does not ship with Jinja2 or any other template language by default. Instead you can install it as a plugin in your own project. The first thing you do is modify your project's and add more.jinja2 to install_requires:


Now when you install your project's dependencies, it pulls in more.jinja2, which also pulls in the Jinja2 template engine itself.

Morepath's extension system works through subclassing. If you want Jinja2 support in your Morepath application, you need to subclass your Morepath app from the Jinja2App:

from more.jinja2 import Jinja2App

class App(Jinja2App):

The App class is now aware of Jinja2 templates.

Next you need to tell your app what directory to look in for templates:

def get_template_directory():
    return 'templates'

This tells your app to look in the templates directory next to the Python module you wrote this code in, so the templates subdirectory of the Python package that contains your code.

Now you can use templates in your code. Here's a HTML view with a template:

@App.html(model=Customer, template='customer.jinja2')
def customer_default(self, request):
    return {
      'street': self.street,
      'zip': self.zip_code

The view returns a dictionary. This dictionary contains the variables that should go into the customer.jinja2 template, which should be in the templates directory. Note that you have to use the jinja2 extension, as Morepath recognizes how to interpret a template by its extension.

You can now write the customer.jinja2 template that uses this information:

  <p>Customer {{name}} lives on {{street}} in {{city}}.</p>
  <p>The zip code is {{zip}}.</p>

You can use the usual Jinja2 constructs here.

When you access the view above, the template gets rendered.


What if you want to use Chameleon (ZPT) templates instead of Jinja2 templates? We've provided more.chameleon that has this integration. Include it in install_requires in, and then do this to integrate it into your app:

from more.chameleon import ChameleonApp

class App(ChameleonApp):

You can now set up a template directory and put in .pt files, which you can then refer to from the template argument to views.

You could even subclass both ChameleonApp and Jinja2App apps and have an application that uses both Chameleon and Jinja2 templates. While that doesn't seem like a great idea, Morepath does allow multiple applications to be composed into a larger application, so it is nice that it is possible to combine an application that uses Jinja2 with another one that uses Chameleon.


Imagine there is an application developed by a third party that has a whole bunch of templates in them. Now without changing that application directory you want to override a template in it. Perhaps you want to override a master template that sets up a common look and feel, for instance.

In Morepath, template overrides can be done by subclassing the application (just like you can override anything else):

class SubApp(App):

def get_template_directory_override():
    return 'override_templates'

That template_directory directive tells SubApp to look for templates in override_templates first before it checks the templates directory that was set up by App.

If we want to override master.jinja2, all we have to do is copy it from templates into override_templates and change it to suit our purposes. Since a template with that name is found in override_templates first, it is found instead of the one in templates. The original App remains unaffected.


In the introduction we mentioned that the template language integration code into Morepath is clean. You should be able to integrate other template engines easily too. Here is the code that integrates Jinja2 into Morepath:

import os
import morepath
import jinja2

class Jinja2App(morepath.App):

def get_setting_section():
    return {
        'auto_reload': False,

def get_jinja2_loader(template_directories, settings):
    config = settings.jinja2.__dict__.copy()

    # we always want to use autoescape as this is about
    # HTML templating
        'autoescape': True,
        'extensions': ['jinja2.ext.autoescape']

    return jinja2.Environment(

def get_jinja2_render(loader, name, original_render):
    template = loader.get_template(name)

    def render(content, request):
        variables = {'request': request}
        return original_render(template.render(**variables), request)
    return render

The template_loader directive sets up an object that knows how to load templates from a given list of template directories. In the case of Jinja2 that is the Jinja2 environment object.

The template_render directive then tells Morepath how to render individual templates: get them from the loader first, and then construct a function that given content returned by the view function and request, uses the template to render it.


For more documentation, see the Morepath documentation on templates.

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