To PyCon I Go

  • By Martijn Faassen
  •  • 
  • 2009-03-25
  •  • 
  • Tags: 
  • conference

I decided to attend PyCon this year; there are a lot of people going there that I'd like to meet, and a lot of people I'd like to run into again. Oh, and there are cool talks too!

I'll be there for the duration of the conference itself, and the first 2.5 days of the sprint.

I'll be wearing many hats: my Startifact hat, my Grok hat, my Zope Foundation chairman hat (we have a new board, but haven't elected a new chairman yet), my Zope Framework Steering Group hat and my Zea partners hat. And my Martijn-the-python-programmer hat, if that's a hat. If you want to talk to me in any of these capacities or any other, please do!