Better REST with Morepath 0.8

Today I released Morepath 0.8 (CHANGES). In this release Morepath has become faster, simpler and more powerful at the same time. I like it when I can do all three in a release!

I'll get faster and simpler out of the way fast, so I can go into the "more powerful", which is what Morepath is all about.


I run this simple benchmark once every while to make sure Morepath's performance is going in the right direction. The benchmark does almost nothing: it just sends the text "Hello world" back to the browser from a view on a path.

It's still useful to try such a small benchmark, as it can help show how much your web framework is doing to send something that basic back to the browser. In July when I presented Morepath at EuroPython, I measured it. I was about as fast as Django then at this task, and was already significantly faster than Flask.

I'm pleased to report that Morepath 0.8 is 50% faster than in July. At raw performance on this benchmark, we have now comfortably surpassed Django and are leaving Flask somewhere in the distance.

Morepath is not about performance -- it's fast enough anyway, other work will dominate in most real-world applications, but it's nice to know.

Performance is relative of course: Pyramid for instance is still racing far ahead on this benchmark, and so is wheezy.web, the web framework from which I took this benchmark and hacked up.


Morepath 0.8 is running on a new engine: a completely refactored Reg library. Reg was originally inspired by zope.interface (which Pyramid uses), but it has since evolved almost beyond recognition into a powerful generic dispatch system.

In Reg 0.9, the dispatch system has been simplified and generalized to also let you dispatch on the value of arguments as well as their classes. Reg 0.9 also lifts the restriction that you have to dispatch on all non-key keyword arguments. Reg could also cache lookups to make things go faster, but this now also works for the new non-class-based dispatch.

Much of Morepath's flexibility and power is due to Reg. Morepath 0.9's view lookup system has been rewritten to make use of the new powers of Reg, making it both faster and more powerful.

Enough abstract talk: let's look at what implementing a REST web service looks like in Morepath 0.8.

The Power of Morepath: REST in Morepath


Here's the scenario we are going to implement.

Say you're implementing a REST API (also known as a hypermedia API).

You want to support the URL (hostname info omitted):


When you access it with a GET request, you get JSON describing the customer with the given id, or if it doesn't exist, 404 Not Found.

There's also the URL:


This represents a collection of customers. You want to be able to GET it and get some JSON information about the customers back.

Moreover, you want to POST JSON to it that represents a new customer, to add it a customer to the collection.

The customer JSON at /customers/{id} looks like this:

  "@id": "/customers/0",
  "@type": "Customer",
  "name": "Joe Shopper"

What's this @id and @type business? They're just conventions (though I took them took from the JSON-LD standard). @id is a link to the customer itself, which also uniquely identifies this customer. @type describes the type of this object.

The customer collection JSON at /customers looks like this:

  "@id": "/customers",
  "@type": "CustomerCollection"
  "customers": ['/customers/0', '/customers/1'],
  "add": "/customers",

When you POST a new customer @id is not needed, but it gets added after POST. The response to a POST should be JSON representing the new customer we just POSTed, but now with the @id added.

Implementing this scenario with Morepath

First we define a class Customer that defines the customer. In a real-world application this is backed by some database, perhaps using an ORM like SQLAlchemy, but we'll keep it simple here:

class Customer(object):
    def __init__(self, name): = None  # we will set it after creation = name

Customer doesn't know anything about the web at all; it shouldn't have to.

Then there's a CustomerCollection that represents a collection of Customer objects. Again in the real world it would be backed by some database, and implemented in terms of database operations to query and add customers, but here we show a simple in-memory implementation:

class CustomerCollection(object):
     def __init__(self):
         self.customers = {}
         self.id_counter = 0

     def get(self, id):
         return self.customers.get(id)

     def add(self, customer):
         self.customers[self.id_counter] = customer
         # here we set the id = self.id_counter
         self.id_counter += 1
         return customer

customer_collection = CustomerCollection()

We register this collection at the path /customers:

@App.path(model=CustomerCollection, path='/customers')
def get_customer_collection():
    return customer_collection

We register Customer at the path /customers/{id}:

@App.path(model=Customer, path='/customers/{id}'
          converters={'id': int})
def get_customer(id):
    return customer_collection.get(id)

See the converters bit we did there? This makes sure that the {id} variable is converted from a string into an integer for you automatically, as internally we use integer ids.

We now register a dump_json that can transform the Customer object into JSON:

def dump(self, request):
   return {
      '@type': 'Customer',

Now we are ready to implement a GET (the default) view for Customer, so that /customer/{id} works:

def customer_default(self, request):
    return self

That's easy! It can just return self and let dump_json take care of making it be JSON.

Now let's work on the POST of new customers on /customers.

We register a load_json directive that can transform JSON into a Customer instance:

def load(json, request):
    if json['@type'] == 'Customer':
        return Customer(name=json['name'])
    return json

We now can register a view that handles the POST of a new Customer to the CustomerCollection:

def customer_collection_post(self, request):
    return self.add(request.body_obj)

This calls the add method we defined on CustomerCollection before. body_obj is a Customer instance, converted from the incoming JSON. It returns the resulting Customer instance which is automatically transformed to JSON.

For good measure let's also define a way to transform the CustomerCollection into JSON:

def dump_customer_collection(self, request):
    return {
        '@type': 'CustomerCollection',
        'customers': [
   for customer in self.customers.values()
    } automatically creates the correct links to Customer instances and the CustomerCollection itself.

We now need to add a GET view for CustomerCollection:

def customer_collection_default(self, request):
    return self

We done with our implementation. Check out a working example on Github. To try it out you could use a commandline tool like wget or curl, or Chrome's Postman extension, for instance.

What about HTTP status codes?

A good REST API sends back the correct HTTP status codes when something goes wrong. There's more to HTTP status codes than just 200 OK and 404 Not Found.

Now with a normal Python web framework, you'd have to go through your implementation and add checks for various error conditions, and then return or raise HTTP errors in lots of places.

Morepath is not a normal Python web framework.

Morepath does the following:

/customers and /customers/1
200 Ok (if customer 1 exists)

Well, of course!

404 Not Found

Yeah, but other web frameworks do this too.

404 Not Found (if customer 1000 doesn't exist)

Morepath automates this for you if you return None from the ``@App.path`` directive.

400 Bad Request

Oh, okay. That's nice!

PUT on /customers/1
405 Method Not Allowed

You know about this status code, but does your web framework?

POST on /customers of JSON that does not have @type Customer
422 Unprocessable Entity

Yes, 422 Unprocessable Entity is a real HTTP status code, and it's used in REST APIs -- the Github API uses it for instance. Other REST API use 400 Bad Request for this case. You can make Morepath do this as well.

Under the hood

Here's the part of the Morepath codebase that implements much of this behavior:

@App.predicate(generic.view, name='model', default=None, index=ClassIndex)
def model_predicate(obj):
    return obj.__class__

@App.predicate_fallback(generic.view, model_predicate)
def model_not_found(self, request):
    raise HTTPNotFound()

@App.predicate(generic.view, name='name', default='', index=KeyIndex,
def name_predicate(request):
    return request.view_name

@App.predicate_fallback(generic.view, name_predicate)
def name_not_found(self, request):
    raise HTTPNotFound()

@App.predicate(generic.view, name='request_method', default='GET',
               index=KeyIndex, after=name_predicate)
def request_method_predicate(request):
    return request.method

@App.predicate_fallback(generic.view, request_method_predicate)
def method_not_allowed(self, request):
    raise HTTPMethodNotAllowed()

@App.predicate(generic.view, name='body_model', default=object,
               index=ClassIndex, after=request_method_predicate)
def body_model_predicate(request):
    return request.body_obj.__class__

@App.predicate_fallback(generic.view, body_model_predicate)
def body_model_unprocessable(self, request):
    raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity()

Don't like 422 Unprocessable Entity when body_model doesn't match? Want 400 Bad Request instead? Just override the predicate_fallback for this in your own application:

class MyApp(morepath.App):

@MyApp.predicate_fallback(generic.view, body_model_predicate)
def body_model_unprocessable_overridden(self, request):
    raise HTTPBadRequest()

Want to have views respond to the HTTP Accept header? Add a new predicate that handles this to your app.

Now what are you waiting for? Try out Morepath!