Obviel 1.0!

I'm proud to announce the release of Obviel 1.0:


Obviel is a client-side web framework that supports powerful UI composition based on an easy to learn core. On top of that Obviel adds a lot of features, such as templating, i18n support, form generation and validation, and routing. Obviel stays close to HTML but lets you build sophisticated components when you need to.

Obviel has come a long way since its beginnings. On top of the core we've added a template language, an internationalization system that integrates with JavaScript and templates alike and a routing library. So it's high time for the One Dot Oh release!

Standout Features of Obviel

  • a powerful core that enables model-driven UI composition. If you know jQuery it will be easy to learn this core.

  • Integrated internationalization (i18n) based on gettext. In a world with multiple languages we need UIs that can be easily translated to other languages. I haven't met a client-side web framework yet that can beat Obviel in this area.

    Obviel offers an i18n approach that lets you mark strings in your JavaScript code in the gettext style:

    _("My translatable string")

    and also lets you mark translatable strings in templates:

    <p data-trans="">My translatable string</p>

    Obviel then offers tools to automatically extract these strings into a .pot file that you can offer to translators in various ways; gettext has vary extensive tool support.

    See Obviel Template i18n and Internationalizing your Obviel Project for more information.

  • Extensive documentation. Documentation has been and is a priority and Obviel has been documented to bits.

  • Testing is as much a priority as the docs are: Obviel is extensively unit tested using the Buster.JS JavaScript testing framework.

  • Automatic form construction using client-side validation: Obviel Forms

    Obviel Forms: http://www.obviel.org/en/1.0/form.html

  • Routing: path (/foo/bar) to object and object to path with Traject.

    Traject lets you build a nested navigation space on the client-side. Not only can you route a path to an object, but you can also generate a path for an object, something that results in cleaner and more decoupled code.

What's next for Obviel?

We have been transitioning the code from bitbucket to github and from mercurial to git to make it more accessible to JavaScript hackers who are more familiar with git. We're still busy updating the docs, but the transfer has been complete and the code now lives on github.

We've been doing lots of research on using a JavaScript module system for Obviel so we can better maintain the codebase. I've been overwhelmed by the options, but soon we'll pick one, I promise! We'll also introduce various JavaScript codebase maintenance tools such as the Grunt task runner.

We are still busy working on a configurable transceiver framework for integrating Obviel with a diversity of backends (HTTP, websockets, localstorage): Obviel Sync. More on this soon!


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